All of these people are family members (mostly parents) of patients or patients themselves facing liver disease or failure. Most of these people are on because they or someone they know have biliary atresia, a liver disease of no known cause that affects infants and is the number one highest cause for pediatric liver transplant. It has an occurance of 1/15000 in the US, so its relatively rare. There is no cure for the disease, but there is a corrective surgery called the Kasai procedure that can prolong (and in a handful of case, prolong indefinitely) the life of a liver before transplant is needed, which is helpful since transplanting infants is riskier due to their small size.
I've been a member of this LiveR group since 2011, when Mona was diagnosed with BA at 3 months old and had the Kasai surgery then as well. For the most part, besides the meds she takes, we're blessed in that she is doing amazingly well. Miraculously well. She has developed beautifully and has only been hospitalized for a liver-related complication once (and only a few other times for other stuff). I don't usually go on this Facebook group partly because Mona is doing so well, there isn't very often any news to tell of her liver--its stayed stable. Every time she's sick though, I have to be careful to not jump to conclusions and there is some anxiety I've faced with the whole not-knowing when her liver will fail but knowing that it will fail, and as her doctors tell us, probably before 10, could be months could be years. I must be more of a planner than I thought because that aspect of this disease bothers me more than I could have expected it would. Anyway, this was really uncharacteristic of me but I sent this comment onto the LiveR page last night, when I was feeling a bit weighed down. The responses themselves and the time and effort alone that people took to address my feelings touched me greatly. I found it really therapeutic and feel very at peace and overwhelmed with love for these families I have never met but feel so kindred with. Here they are:
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