Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Little Man

This little guy has changed our lives forever since 12/12/12 (his birthday). He is getting to be such a big boy, and it is so fun to watch him and Mona play together more and more. I love love love that aspect of having two kids--siblings are so important, and its so cool to see how much they love each other even at such young ages.

Holden boy likes most food. His favorite parent is mommy right now, since he's still nursing. He loves the outdoors more than any other baby I've been around. He wants to do everything big sister does and so he falls down a lot and is quite the bruiser by now. He is such a happy, social baby, I am constantly bragging about how easy and perfect he is. Thinking about him tonight, and just thought I needed to remember what he's like now before he's all grown up and I forget these things. Love being this boy's mama and so glad he came into our family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It is SO NICE to see YOU GET what it means to be a Mom! You bring me SO MUCH JOY! So do your ADORABLE Children!!
    I love you Becky!
